Tips for Scouting, Calling & Hunting Diver Ducks; Buffleheads, Canvasbacks & Redheads in Clay Center KS

For the beginner duck hunter, duck hunting can be a challenging experience. It takes practice and familiarity to become a well achieved duck hunter. Strategizing, aiming, patience and knowing the varied species of ducks habits are all a part of the great adventure. Republican Valley Waterfowlers would like to offer a few tips and facts…

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Tips On Scouting & Hunting Puddle or Dabbling Ducks; Gadwalls, Mallards & Teals in Clay Center, KS

Going duck hunting is quite the experience. It requires patience, precise execution, and strategic planning. Gadwall, mallards, pintails, shovelers, teal and wigeon are all part of the puddle or dabbling duck hunting game. Puddle ducks are typically birds of fresh, shallow marshes and rivers as opposed to large lakes and bays. They are good divers…

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